Stiles Tower-- First Trip

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Here is my friend Chris. We are about to embark on a journey that will forever be known as "Zook Grotto II". You will see why in a few more pictures. Here once again, is Chris posing for the camera.
Here is Chris warming up for the upcoming trails. Sinking the left-hand side of the Zook in the rut with mud. Here he comes to sink the right-hand side in mud.
This is Zooks Grotto II. Chris is sizing up the puddle to make sure he can easily pass through. Here is the approach. Everything is looking fine. Way to go Chris!!
Ok, where are the tow ropes when you need them? Since Chris and I went mudding together, and my Zook was at home with the tow ropes, we were stuck. Some guy actually came by and tried to pull us out with jump rope. Ok. Yeah! Free at last!! Let's take it easy on this one to make sure it is not 5 feet deep.
Here I am with my Zook sizing up the puddle. I make sure that there are no hidden pot holes. The Zook is happy. Mud is flying and the puddle has been conquered.
Now that my confidence is soaring, I decide to thrust my way through a deep mud hole with a smile on my face. You have to look VERY close to see the joy on my face! Chris, please take your time. This mud hole is actually the size of a small pond. Remember never stop the vehicle, just keep moving at a slow and steady pace.
"See, that was not so bad!" Says Chris with a smile and a hint of authority. Here are the two Zooks, exhausted and filthy.
Chris and Zook. Bob and Zook.
Hey, there is a Zook in my mirror. There, that is much clearer picture.
Chris is telling me to keep an eye on the road. (As if he takes his own advice)

Well, that is the tale of Zooks Grotto II. I hope you enjoyed it.